Eastmade - Fennel (Saunf) Big, 1 Kg mediaEastmade - Fennel (Saunf) Big, 1 Kg imageright arrow
Eastmade - Fennel (Saunf) Big, 1 Kg image
Eastmade - Fennel (Saunf) Big, 1 Kg image
Eastmade - Fennel (Saunf) Big, 1 Kg image

Eastmade - Fennel (Saunf) Big, 1 Kg

1 kg
₹255.81/kg for 6 kgs+
Add 6
₹259.81/kg for 3 kgs+
Add 3
Product details
  • Premium export quality fennel seeds big (1.5-2 mm), greenish color
  • Moisture content ~10%, defective seeds <3%, absence of other edible seeds
  • Absence of heavy metal contaminants, shelf life - 12 months
  • ETO treated: Zero yeast, mold, Salmonella or E.coli